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As a first responder in a healthcare setting, it's crucial to understand various types of infections that you may encounter.
Role of Bacteria: Exploring the significance of bacteria in healthcare-related infections.
Characteristics of Viruses: Highlighting the distinct characteristics of viruses and their role in infections.
Fungal Infections: Examining fungal infections and their effects, including athlete's foot.
Parasitic Infections: Understanding parasites as organisms that thrive at the expense of other hosts.
Gastrointestinal Infections (Gastroenteritis): Explaining Norovirus, its prevalence, signs, and symptoms.
Blood-Borne Infections: Discussing blood-borne infections like Hepatitis and HIV, along with their signs and symptoms.
Respiratory Infections: Detailing respiratory infections such as influenza, including common signs and symptoms.
Skin Infections: Highlighting MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) as a significant skin infection in healthcare settings.
By recognising and comprehending various types of infections, first responders can better manage and address healthcare-related challenges effectively.