Embedded Objects
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Embedded Object First Aid Guide
Understanding Embedded Objects
In first aid, when an object penetrates the body through the skin, it's referred to as an embedded object.
Handling Small Embedded Objects
Small particles like dirt or grit can be rinsed off under a tap, and objects adhered to the skin can be removed if it's safe:
- Grains of dirt or grit can be washed off.
- Items stuck to the skin can be removed if safe to do so.
Treating Larger Embedded Objects
Larger objects, such as glass or knives, require careful handling:
- Removing the object may worsen the injury and cause serious harm.
- If a knife is lodged in a wound near an artery, removing it could cut the artery during extraction.
- The knife may be preventing further blood loss by plugging the wound.
First Aid Protocol
As a first aider, take the following steps when encountering an embedded object:
- Leave the object in the body.
- Put on gloves.
- Use dressings to reduce bleeding and immobilize the embedded object.
- Ensure dressings or slings don't exert pressure on the object, pushing it further into the wound.
Seek Emergency Medical Care
It's crucial to obtain professional medical assistance as quickly as possible.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit three LO3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4
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